Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Nitty Gritty of Direct Sponsorship

One of the most highly used forms of fund raising comes from sponsorships. I’m going to talk about it later in my blog regarding different aspects of running a non-profit. But for those who are already set up and those who plan on starting small or already have your infrastructure in place, I am going to talk about the sponsorship of Wild horses.

Sponsorship programs are not just to get the money of the sponsors. Sponsorship programs are to give people without the time, knowledge or facilities, the opportunity to be active in a wild horse's life. Happy sponsors who feel like they are an important part of the organization are your front line in Public Relations and bringing people new people into your organization.

Before I begin giving you information about this there are several things you need to know up front.

First, The way you set up your non-profit and the laws regarding non-profits will dictate how you run your program. If you have been reading this blog from its beginning you will already have made first contact with a State Agency and possibly a Lawyer about the information you might need regarding the setting up of your non-profit.

The contact that you have at the State level is an important one to nurture because that is the person you will be dealing with throughout the life of your organization. How you treat that person, hopefully cordially and professionally, will determine how easy it is for you to go through the process and glean any important information about reports, taxes, and other information you need. You can ask this person what the requirements are to set up a sponsorship program. They will either tell you out right or direct you to the proper documents online or in a public library.

Second and most importantly when you set up a Sponsorship program you don’t want to drop the ball or it can spell disaster for your organization. From the very beginning in your active budget set up money for the hiring of a Sponsorship Relations Person. This person can hold multiple jobs in your organization such as office manager,  book keeper, Volunteer coordinator, and fund raising support. For a small organization this person can do all of these jobs. But as your organization grows they will have to be split between several people. I cannot say it enough:  there must be excellent communication and transparency in your organization for it to thrive. So the right person involved in your Sponsorship program will not only bring in great sponsors but they will also keep those sponsors happy and coming back for more and bringing their friends.

Thirdly: Set the boundaries of participation clearly and early. While you want your sponsors to be active and participate, you also do not want them to interfere in the daily operation of your organization. Nor do you want them to actively try to undermine all of your good work. Sponsors like Advisory committee members and other volunteers are there by invitation. There purpose is to give and participate, however you and your staff are the heart beat of the operation and you make the policy and are ultimately responsible for the decisions you make as well as the outcome.

Sponsorship is generally the financial support by an individual, family, business , non-profit or group.
Sponsorships can be of individual horses
Sponsorships can be of an entire family or Band of horses
Sponsorship can be for a year
Sponsorship can be for the life time of the horse
Sponsorships can also be for smaller amounts of time or for specific needs
A good sponsorship program will have these qualities:
~An active connection with a specific horse or group of horses
~Monthly Updates about the horse or group of horses they support
~First call opportunities to participate in volunteer training and activities that will give them more opportunities to see and interact with their sponsor horse/s and others who also are in the program.
~Open visitation during all public hours
~Participation in Annual Volunteer Function and awards for all those who participate in the running of the non-profit

Some Sponsorship Perks are for Larger Sponsor Donations
Special VIP tours or activity days for their friends and families
The opportunity to give input in the form of termed membership on advisory and activity committees
Reduced tickets to all fundraising events depending on the size of their sponsorship
You can really add anything that is legal, in your state, as a sponsorship reward that is unique to your organization.
A word of caution don’t give away anything that you have to raise money to fund. Give from what you have.

 Next Post:  Where to find the sponsors:

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